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How to support our action by becoming a member of La Lettre volée

French version

La Lettre volée has pursued a bold, independent editorial line dedicated to contemporary creation for nearly twenty years. Your support is essential for us in order to pursue our activities. We would request the generous support of any person or institution who would like to take part in this intellectual and cultural venture.

There are three possibilities for becoming a member :
/ ordinary member (€25)
/ sympathising member (from €100)
/ honorary member (from €500)

All of our members will receive official certification of their contribution to La Lettre volée. They will of course be informed about our activities and invited to all of the events which we organise. They will also be accredited on our members list.

We are delighted to offer all our members free access to our “Download and Print” platform as a token of our gratitude. They will therefore be able to download and print at will all of the works offered by the contemporary artists, a list of whom can be found on our Download and Print webpage in our “art editions” sections.

Sympathising members will also receive the equivalent of their subscription in books and art publications of their choice.

Honorary members will receive all of our publications from the year.

To become a member, please contact us via email or post, by returning the reply slip (downloadable below) to the following address :

La Lettre volée
146 avenue Coghen
B-1180 Bruxelles
Tel-fax : + 32 2 512 02 88
Email : lettre.volee

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